Veterinary Surgery for Pets at Buckeystown Veterinary Hospital

Buckeystown Veterinary Hospital is pleased to offer our patients the very best in surgical practice and technology. We combine the safest available anesthetics with modern equipment and monitoring for the optimum in small animal surgery and care for your domestic pet.
Our veterinarians perform a wide variety of surgeries, from routine spay and neuter to complex orthopedic repairs.
Some of the procedures we perform include:
No veterinary surgical procedure is ever performed on your animal without your full understanding of the options, a complete explanation of the benefits and risks, and an accounting of the fees involved. While quality care for your pet is our top priority, your complete satisfaction as a pet owner is our primary goal.
Pet Surgery Procedures & Policies
Check-in for surgery is between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. on the morning of your pet’s procedure. If you are unable to drop-off during this time period, arrangements can be made to drop-off in the last half hour before closing time on the previous evening at no additional charge; please let us know in advance if you require this service.
Food should be withheld beginning at 8:00 p.m. the night before surgery, unless the surgeon has issued other instructions. Your pet should have water until the time of drop-off. If your pet is diabetic or takes daily meds that require food be given, please speak with one of our veterinarians for special instructions.
All surgical patients must be up to date on required vaccinations and, in the case of dogs, heartworm testing and preventives.
Once your pet has completed surgery, we offer the finest in veterinary rehabilitation for those with orthopedic issues or who would benefit from such additional therapeutic care. Contact Us for more information.
Surgical Forms & Handouts
- Anesthesia Consent Form
- Bandage Care Instructions
- Castration Aftercare Instructions (Large Animal)
- Surgery Discharge Instructions After Spay, Neuter, & Declaw
Be assured, a member of our staff will review these options with you in detail when your pet arrives for his or her procedure.
Feel free to contact our office for additional clarification or current rates for surgical procedures.